Andrew Twigg Design Studio, Ltd

what I do

what i do

1I help my clients evaluate their business and their position in the market to identify the strategies, tactics and technologies they can use to improve market share and grow their business.

I do this using a variety of methods and tools including SWOTS, competitive brand landscape research, positioning statement development, brand projection/reception worksheets and more.


2I help my clients understand the ramifications of the technologies they use when I build their website.

I help them to be well-informed so they can make decisions that are best for their businesses.

Building a website involves a lot of decision making, and I will help you understand why one technology may work better for you than another, what technologies to avoid, when to embrace emerging technology, and will empower you to make good technology decisions. You will make smart decisions and know why you made them!


3I make it all look good while using the right language. Hardly the least part of the process, this is the visual and verbal articulation of the hard work we do together.

I believe that a strong brand is visually distinctive, verbally resonant, and tells the truth.


I do this all in the context of branding and web design, touching on print design and other media as appropriate to my clients’ needs. The way a brand comes into contact with the outside world is multi-faceted, and it’s important that you work with someone who understands those avenues and the challenges therein.